Net neutrality

Broadcasters Stay Updated Icon 1 min read

EBU urges European net neutrality

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU), alongside a coalition of digital stakeholders, has signed an open…

Pay TV Operators Stay Updated Icon 2 min read

Net neutrality rules should make room for IPTV, says EC chief

Rules governing net neutrality in the EU as part of the Telecom Single Market will…

News Stay Updated Icon 2 min read

EC backs net neutrality, removal of geo-blocking

New European Commission vice-president Andrus Ansip has backed “solid” and “clearly defined” net neutrality and…

Pay TV Operators Stay Updated Icon 3 min read

US cable and telcos angrily reject Obama net neutrality call

US cable and telecom operators have responded angrily to President Barack Obama’s call for the…

Pay TV Operators Stay Updated Icon 1 min read

Swiss operators adopt common code on net neutrality

Swiss service providers Swisscom, Sunrise, UPC Cablecom, Orange and the cable network companies’ association Swisscable…

Broadcasters Stay Updated Icon 1 min read

Swedish TV executives call for net neutrality to be upheld

Top Swedish TV executives from TV4 Group, SVT, MTG and SBS Discovery Media have written…

Pay TV Operators Stay Updated Icon 2 min read

Netflix and Liberty Global clash over net neutrality

The CEOs of Netflix and Liberty Global have clashed over the topic of net neutrality,…

Pay TV Operators Stay Updated Icon 2 min read

Netflix boss calls for net neutrality to be strengthened

Netflix founder and CEO Reed Hastings has called for net neutrality to be “defended and…