Net neutrality

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UK’s Ofcom lays out plan to look again at net neutrality

UK regulator Ofcom has outlined post-Brexit plans to row back on net neutrality rules that…

Vendors Stay Updated Icon 1 min read

34 NGOs call for protections to net neutrality amid calls for big tech to shoulder network costs

Digital rights activists have warned that EU plans to force tech giants to contribute towards…

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HBO Max exempt from AT&T data caps, operator confirms

AT&T has made its HBO Max SVOD exempt from its data caps while rival streaming…

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US court upholds FCC net neutrality order but opens way for states to set own rules

A US Federal Appeals Court ruling that upheld regulator the FCC’s repeal of net neutrality…

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US carriers are consistently throttling popular video apps

Throttling of video streaming by US wireless carriers is “pervasive”, claims a new study.  The…

Pay TV Operators Stay Updated Icon 2 min read

Portuguese watchdog: zero-rated offers break net neutrality rules

Portuguese regulator ANACOM has ordered the country’s main telecom operators to change their broadband offerings…

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FCC votes to repeal net neutrality as Netflix and web giants protest

The FCC has voted to repeal net neutrality laws in the US, in a move…

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FCC to roll back net neutrality rules

The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is due to roll back net neutrality rules in…

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Report: FCC chair plans net neutrality reversal

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is reportedly drawn up plans to reverse net neutrality rules, in…

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Netflix: changes to net neutrality laws could impede growth

Changes to laws related to net neutrality could decrease demand for Netflix and increase its…