
Broadcasters Stay Updated Icon 2 min read

Vivendi in fresh overture to Mediaset

Vivendi has contacted Mediaset senior management with a request to set up a meeting to…

Broadcasters Stay Updated Icon 2 min read

Mediaset edges towards Vivendi talks as merger hits roadblock

Mediaset has abandoned its existing plan to merge its Italian and Spanish arms under a…

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ProSiebenSat.1 ‘not in discussion’ with Mediaset or CMI

ProSiebenSat.1 is not involved in any discussions with shareholders Mediaset or Czech Media Invest (CMI)…

Broadcasters Stay Updated Icon 2 min read

Mediaset suffers major setback as Vivendi secures MFE legal victory

Mediaset’s plans to combine its Italian and Spanish arms under a new Dutch-registered holding company…

Broadcasters Stay Updated Icon 2 min read

Mediaset’s merger decision pushed back to September by Dutch court

The Dutch court hearing Vivendi’s appeal against an earlier judgement that rejected the French media…

Pay TV Operators Stay Updated Icon 1 min read

Italian court rejects Vivendi move to overturn restriction on Mediaset stake

Vivendi has suffered a setback on one front in its ongoing legal war with Mediaset,…

Broadcasters Stay Updated Icon 2 min read

Vivendi in fresh move to reverse Italian ruling on Mediaset stake

Vivendi has filed a fresh appeal with the Lazio regional administrative tribunal (TAR) in Italy…

Pay TV Operators Stay Updated Icon 1 min read

Industry all-in on MediaForEurope says Mediaset chair

Fedele Confalonieri, the chairman of Italian broadcaster Mediaset, said that the company has received a…

Pay TV Operators Stay Updated Icon 2 min read

Vivendi blocked from voting in Mediaset AGM

The trust that holds the majority of Vivendi’s stock in Mediaset has been barred from…

Pay TV Operators Stay Updated Icon 1 min read

Italian court waves away Vivendi appeal of MediaForEurope plan

The ongoing drama between Vivendi and Mediaset has taken its latest turn, with an Italian…