Eutelsat joins Global Satellite Operators Association

Eutelsat Communications will join the Brussels-based Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA) as a full member.

GSOA is the the global CEO-driven association, representing global and regional satellite operators. It is recognised as the representative body for satellite operators by international, regional and national bodies including regulators, policymakers, standards-setting organisations such as the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), and international organisations like the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the World Economic Forum (WEF). Through GSOA, the satellite sector is working to respond to the requirements for a better data-driven society. Robust and scalable satellite infrastructures are ideally placed to bridge the digital, social, education and healthcare divides as well as, to be part of the 5G, 6G, and IoT ecosystems.

Eutelsat aims to fully participate in shaping the satellite communications ecosystem of the future alongside its fellow counterparts, Its membership will involve expanding the availability of satellite frequency bands and  promoting the responsible use of space.

Eutelsat adheres to the Association’s endeavours, notably ensuring the availability of satellite frequency bands during the ongoing World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) process, key to allowing space technology to fully deploy its potential to serve the world’s connectivity needs.

The company said this move showcases Eutelsat’s support towards a robust satellite communications sector with a united global voice, connecting the world in a sustainable way

“I am thrilled to work with Eva Berneke, Eutelsat CEO and her team to deliver the benefits of satellite communication to citizens and governments and move the industry a step forward in delivering connectivity anywhere, anytime,” commented Isabelle Mauro, GSOA director general.

Eva Berneke, Eutelsat chief executive officer, added: “Our teams are most enthusiastic to join GSOA at a time of major transformational changes in the industry, with a booming connectivity market, breakthrough innovations, and a considerable increase in the number of players involved. Implicated at various levels and in several working groups within the GSOA, we are eager to support the global satcoms industry on a resilient, responsible and innovative path”.

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