TF1: free entertainment that promotes French culture to compete with streamers

Rodolphe Belmer

TF1 boss Rodolphe Belmer said the company aims to set itself apart from other streamers by offering “free entertainment for French citizens on TV…that reflects French culture.”

Belmer used his keynote at Series Mania in Lille, to highlight TF1’s editorial priorities as the general SVOD market continues to grow, which include creating major French franchises that are targeted to families.

He said, “what differentiates us from the other streamers like Disney or Netflix is that we are targeting the family rather than an individual audience.”

“The editorial line is to promote French culture around powerful heroes on linear channels and non-linear channels.” He added, “We are seeing an emergence of new heroes that have become archetypes and we want to amplify this trend at TF1.”

Belmer explained there is a demand for content in France that “is a source of inspiration” and “talks to everyone” in an attempt to unite audiences and the family.

Belmer said it is important to to learn from Netflix’s successful streaming model such as “programmes funded by advertising and the addition of video games on its platform for a major source of growth.” He emphasised that in an overcrowded SVOD market “without major franchises it becomes difficult to thrive”.

The TF1 CEO also added that its owned production group Newen Studios continues to be a huge asset to the company contributing over €500m revenue approximately.

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