French media regulator CSA to absorb HADOPI to become ARCOM

French media regulator the Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel (CSA) is to change its name to ARCOM from the beginning of next year to reflect its combination with anti-piracy regulator the Haute autorité pour la diffusion des œuvres et la protection des droits sur internet (HADOPI).

The new regulatory body, the Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique (ARCOM), will be charged with regulation of the content creation chain, obligations including the protection of authors’ rights and the battle against piracy, in addition to the CSA’s existing remit.

The ARCOM will also be charged with regulating digital content, including the fight against hate speech, and regulating VOD platforms.

The CSA said that the new body would also reflect a move towards regulation more in line with the public and its concerns, as well as defence of freedom of expression, information and creation.

It added that the ARCOM would immediately be focused on consolidation in the audiovisual sector and the maintenance of pluralism.

The creation of the ARCOM follows the passage of a new law by the French parliament that will also introduce a number of new measures to counter piracy, including the creation of a blacklist of infringing sites and measures to force ISPs to block access to sites that facilitate piracy.

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