Russian digital and media minister Volin replaced

Alexey Volin, the deputy minister of digital development, communications and mass media, who was responsible for the country’s digital switchover among other things, has left his – at his own request, according to the ministry.

Volin told the Vedomosti business paper that the country’s completion of its digital switchover the the launch of the first and second Federal digital multiplexes meant that he had realised his goals at the ministry.

Bella Mukharbievna

In a surprise move, Volin will be replaced by Bella Mukharbievna, a much less well-known figure in the media world who has worked in the present’s office of public relations and communications.

Mukharbievna, the daughter of a construction magnate, has worked in a number of positions in government communications, becoming head of the department of mass media development in the office of Russian president for PR and communications.

Volin served in his role at the ministry for nine years and has been regarded as the administration’s main public face to the media. He previously served as general director of the Amedia Film company among other private sector roles, as well as holding a range of senior government roles.

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