Securing your revenue in the new age of video piracy: DTVE’s Digital Symposium looks at the threat and how to address it

As consumption of streaming video rises at the expense of traditional broadcast technology, the security challenges faced by service providers are also evolving. The next session in DTVE’s ongoing Digital Symposium will look at the state of current and future threats and how operators can address them – both through offering compelling content and a matchless user experience and by deploying tools to disincentivise and stop piracy.

This high-powered session on a topic of crucial and growing importance to the industry will feature contributions from Orange Spain, which finds itself on the front line in the battle against illicit concumption of premium sports, content security technology leader Viaccess Orca and research powerhouse Omdia.

Premium video operators now have to consider multiple issues in ensuring that their revenues – and the content assets to which they hold rights – remain secure in the face of competition from increasingly sophisticated – and organised – pirates.

To introduce this session, Omdia’s Merrick Kingston will touch upon the following topics and themes:

  • How and why has the content security industry moved beyond passive encryption?
  • Do AI and ML-enabled anti-piracy services move the needle on security?
  • How can the security industry move from merely protecting revenue to generating revenue?
  • How best should we address threats that occur prior to final B2C distribution?

All of this means operators need a multi-pronged strategy to combat piracy, spanning the delivery of a compelling user experience that gives consumers a reason to stay rather than stray, and the use of advanced technologies such as digital watermarking and AI to stem illicit distribution of rights-protected content.

  • What are the main security threats to video service providers’ revenue and how is this changing in the post-COVID-19 landscape?
  • In a world where illicit distributors provide advanced features and functionality as well as a broad range of premium content, what can legitimate rights-holders do to ensure that consumers look to them to supply their entertainment needs and remain loyal?
  • What role can advanced technologies such as digital watermarking and AI play in delivering better services and protecting revenues?

This discussion, moderated by Digital TV Europe, will feature contributions from Kevin Le Jannic, product director, Security at Viaccess-Orca, Jose Antonio Guzmán, TV director at Orange Spain and Merrick Kingston, associate director, research and analysis, media delivery, Omdia.

For more details and to register to attend this free event, click here. 

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