Lagardere music channel Mezzo launches in Africa via Les Bouquets Canal+

Music channel Mezzo launched on Pan-African PayTV platform Les Bouquets Canal+, this week.

Dedicated to classical music, jazz and dance, the service is available in 22 countries primarily across Central and Western Africa. In total, the new carriage arrangement means the channel is available in 80 countries worldwide.

Caroline Cochaux

Caroline Cochaux, deputy director of TV Channels Lagardere-Active, and president of Mezzo, said: “With this launch in Africa, Mezzo, which is already available in some 60 countries in Europe, Asia and North America, continues to expand internationally.”

Marc Welinski, director of Mezzo, added: “We know the contribution of African music to European and American music. The arrival of Mezzo in Africa testifies in return the interest of classical music, jazz and opera in Africa, and the dynamism of its actors.”

Each year, Mezzo acquires the broadcast rights to 150 new opera, concert and ballet performances. This content is available via Mezzo, Mezzo Live HD and on-demand.

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