Nielsen’s Gracenote launches mobile video analytics solution

Nielsen-owned Gracenote has launched a new Mobile Video Analytics solution designed to offer insights into the quality and performance of popular mobile video streaming apps.

The solution is targeted at mobile operators, TV operators, streaming services and hardware manufacturers, allowing them to understand how mobile app performance impacts user behaviour and attitudes.

The offering will also provide engagement metrics so that users can understand how, when and where viewers tune-in  – including information such as average viewing time, network access and speed.

“Nielsen has been at the forefront of measuring television and digital video content for decades and the new Gracenote Mobile Video Analytics solution extends our market-leadership position in the mobile streaming space,” said Mike Greenawald, senior vice-president, connectivity for Gracenote.

“In a hotly-contested marketplace for subscribers, it is critical to understand the factors that drive engagement and retention. Gracenote Mobile Video Analytics identifies the key video performance factors that enable our customers to gain a competitive edge and make more informed business decisions.”

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