Nielsen to measure YouTube mobile app ads in UK, France and Germany

youtube mobileRatings agency Nielsen has launched advertising measurement on YouTube’s mobile app via its digital ad ratings service in the UK, France and Germany.

The launch of ad measurement on the mobile app adds to Nielsen’s current offering, which encompasses measurement of YouTube ads on desktop and desktop computers and mobile web browsers. Nielsen says the move will provide ​marketers with ​independent ​and ​comprehensive cross-device ​measurement ​of ​advertising ​audiences ​on ​YouTube ​across ​computer ​and ​mobile devices. ​

Nielsen digital ad ratings clients will have ​access ​to ​age ​and ​gender ​demographics for ​consumers ​viewing ​advertising ​on ​the ​YouTube ​mobile ​app ​as ​well ​as ​reach, ​frequency ​and ​gross rating ​points.

Nielsen says the measurement system for YouTube ads is consistent with that for other mobile publishers and that its digital ad ratings system will provide publishers, advertisers and agencies with a view of the YouTube audience using metrics comparable with those used for TV.

Barney Farmer

Barney Farmer

The extension of YouTube mobile app measurement to the three European countries follows its launch in the US in June last year, and in Canada and Japan in October.

Earlier in 2017, Snapchat and Pinterest had partnered with Nielsen to improve their mobile ad measurement systems.

“As ​more ​people ​watch ​video ​across ​digital ​platforms ​and ​devices, ​Nielsen’s ​comprehensive measurement ​of ​YouTube ​through ​Digital ​Ad ​Ratings ​is ​crucial ​to ​provide ​a ​complete ​picture ​of media ​consumption, ​especially ​since ​YouTube ​accounts ​for ​a ​large ​share ​of ​mobile ​video ​advertising in ​the UK.” ​said Barney Farmer, ​Nielsen’s UK commercial director. ​“

We ​are ​proud ​to ​be ​able ​to ​provide ​the ​market ​with ​an independent ​view ​of ​the ​audience ​for ​advertising ​on ​YouTube ​in ​context ​of ​the ​wider ​viewing landscape.”

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