Alpha Networks hires former Netgem CEO Fryson

Technology company Alpha Networks has named former Netgem CEO Patrice Fryson as EVP of business development.

Patrice Fryson

Patrice Fryson

Alpha Networks, which provides back-end platforms for network and mobile operators and media companies delivering hybrid and OTT pay TV services, has hired Fryson, who has served as CEO of Lea and VP of sales at Wyplay as well as CEO of Netgem, to head up its international growth.

Alpha Networks’ flagship product isi its tucanoRED back-end software which manages content, subscribers and payments, enabling telco and media companies to deliver linear and non-linear TV content over OTT or hybrid networks on multiple devices.

“I am thrilled to welcome Patrice in our team as I am confident that he will accelerate our international growth. Patrice will be essential in continuing to position Alpha Networks as a key player in the Service Platforms arena and will contribute to explore new areas of development” says Pascal Birot, chief sales officer, Alpha Networks.

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