Client software leads video infrastructure market

Client software is the fastest growing software category within the video infrastructure software market, followed by headend software, according to a report by Synergy Research Group.

Both categories have grown by 10%-20% over the last year, while the market for content security has declined, according to Synergy.

In total the video infrastructure software market has grown by 7% on rolling year-on-year basis, while some individual sub-segments have grown by well over 30%, including TV Everywhere, search and recommendation and cloud DVR software.

According to Synergy, Cisco is the leader with a 20% market share in Q2 2014, followed by Nagra, Arris, Rovi, Ericsson, Irdeto, Accenture and TiVo. Since Q2 2013 Ericsson has gained the most market share due to its acquisition of Microsoft’s IPTV/middleware business. The next biggest market share gainer is Nagra whose growth was also assisted by M&A activity, in this case the recent acquisition of content security specialist Conax.

The overall market is now worth annual revenues in excess of US$5.5 billion, according to the group.

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